
I’m not sure when I made my first edit in Wikipedia; it was before I had an account so it doesn’t show up in the list of contributions attributed to me. The first listed under my account name of Brooklinehistory was in 2010, but it was a few years later that I started being more active.

My earliest contributions were mostly small corrections. I created my first article from scratch in 2016. It was a biography of Frances Taylor, a music and film critic and a lyricist who wrote lyrics, set to music by Pete Seeger, about three civil rights workers murdered in Mississippi in 1964.

Image of start of Frances Taylor Wikipedia article
Introduction to Frances Taylor biographical article in Wikipedia

I’ve made contributions over the years related to Brookline history, baseball, jazz, and other topics. I’ve added citations to articles identified via the Citation Hunt tool as needing citations. I’ve also added etymological information to several articles.

As a librarian at Boston University I helped develop and participated in workshops for faculty and others on incorporating Wikipedia editing in classroom assignments and learning.

Since retiring in June 2021, I’ve added three more biographies from scratch, including one that grew out of my etymological work and another that turned out, by coincidence, to have an etymology angle to it.

This page provides links to some of my Wikipedia work.
